Journal of Wood Science(Volume62 Number2 2016)pp117-216

タイトル | Journal of Wood Science(Volume62 Number2 2016)pp117-216 |
管理番号 | 製材-00444 |
ジャンル | 外国 |
ISBNコード | - |
著者名 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行日 | 2016-04-25 |
定価(税抜) | - |
ページ数 | 99 |
- Development in nano-additives for paper industry
- Imploves Maeule color reaction provides more detailes information on syringyl lignin distribution in hardwood
- Rheological cpnsideration in fracture of wood in lateral tension
- Solute deiffusion into crll walls in solution-impregnated wood under conditioning process 2:effect of solution concentration on solute diffusion
- Identification of Pinus species related to histric architecture Korea using NIR chemometric approaches
- Furnish type and mat density effects on temperture and vapor pressure of wood-based panels during hot pressing
- Orientation control of cellulose nanofibrils in all-cellulose composites and mechanical properties of the films
- Life cycle greenhouse gas emission of wooden guardrails:a study in Nagano Prefecture
- Central European wood spcies:characterization using old knowledge
- Thermography mesurements and latent heat documentation of Norwegian spruce(Picea abies) exposed to dynamic indoor climate
- Simple separation of Torreya nucifera and Chamaecyparis obtusa wood using portable visible and near-infrared spectrophotometry:differences in light-conducting properties
- Erratum to:Tensile properties of bamboo in different sizes
- Announcement