Journal of Wood Science(Volume62 Number4 2016)pp297-382

タイトル | Journal of Wood Science(Volume62 Number4 2016)pp297-382 |
管理番号 | 製材-00495 |
ジャンル | 外国 |
ISBNコード | - |
著者名 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行日 | 2016-08-25 |
定価(税抜) | - |
ページ数 | 380 |
- Effect of heat treatment on colour changes of black alder and beech veneers
- Effect of tool material on tool wear and delamination during machining of particlebord
- Wavelength dependence of machining performance in UV-,VIS- and NIR-laser cutting of wood
- Performance evaluation of wood-based under a mild accelerated aging treatment
- Weathering characteristics of bamboo(Phyllostachys puberscence)exposed to outdoors for one year
- Antioxidative catechol lignans/neolignans isolated from defatted of Jatropha curcas
- Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from wood by ionic liquid treatment
- Investigation of thermal conductive properties of structural timbers at low temperture region using solid carbon dioxide as a chilling agent
- In situ drag coefficient measurements for rooftop trees NOTE
- Effects of application of trans-zeatin on tracheid differentiation in mature sugi(Cryptomeria japonica)trees
- Smoothness of spruce surface rubbed with a metal tool under high-speed friction