
Journal of Wood Science 第63巻 第1号

タイトル Journal of Wood Science 第63巻 第1号
管理番号 製材-00652
ジャンル 外国
ISBNコード -
著者名 一般社団法人 日本木材学会
発行 一般社団法人 日本木材学会
発行日 2017-02-25
定価(税抜) -
ページ数 116


  2. Physiological effects of wood on humans:a review
  4. Changes in bamboo fiber subjected to different chamical treatments and freeza-drying as measured by nanoindentation
  5. Annual ring orientation effect on bending strength of subfossil elm wood
  6. Prediction of Yueqin acoustic quality based on soundboard vibration performance using suport vector machine
  7. Shear behavior of cross-laminated timber wall consisting of small panels
  8. Research on design value of compressive strength for Chinese fir dimension lumber based on full-size testing
  9. Effects of surface modification methods on mechanical and interfacial ptoperties of high-density polyethylene-bonded wood veneer composites
  10. Effect of oil impregnation on water repellency,dimensional stability and mold susceptibility of thermally modified European aspen and downy birch wood
  11. Wood decaying properties of the termite mushroom Termitomyces eurrhizus
  12. Effect of different silicon sources on rattan-based silicon carbide ceramic prepared by one-step pyrolysis
  13. Possibility of using three invasive non-forest tree speicies as an alternative source for nenergy production