Journal of Wood Science 第63巻 第3号

タイトル | Journal of Wood Science 第63巻 第3号 |
管理番号 | 製材-00547 |
ジャンル | 外国 |
ISBNコード | - |
著者名 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行日 | 2017-07-25 |
定価(税抜) | - |
ページ数 | 113 |
- Sequencing and quantifying plastid DNA fragments stored in sapwood and heartwood of Torreya nucifera
- Studies on pre-treatment by compression for wood drying 3:the reduction of moisture content,the recovery rate,and mechanical properties of wood compressed at different moisture content conditions
- Mechanics and pyrolysis analyses of rotation welding with pretreated wood dowels Influence of moisture content on estimating Young's modulus of full-scale timber using stress wave velocity
- A static analysis of two-shaft columns spaced by gussets
- Effect of wood spiecies,digester conditions,and defibrator disc distance on wettability of fiberboad
- Effects of climate change on reduction of internal bond strength of particleboard subjected to various climatic conditions in Japan
- Solute diffusion into cell walls in solution-impregnated wood under conditioning process 3:effect of relative humidity schedule on diffusion into cell walls
- Surface free energy and dynamic wettability of wood simultaneously treated with acidic dye and flame retardant
- Behavioural analysis of nonionic detergent in the kraft pulp washing process using cyro-time-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and cryo-scanning electron microscopy
- Characterization and photodegradation mechanism of three Algetian wood species
- Gas-phase pyrolysis of methyl glucosides and levoglucosan
- Relationship between tree size and reaction wood formation in 23 Japanese angiosperms