Journal of Wood Science 第64巻 第1号

タイトル | Journal of Wood Science 第64巻 第1号 |
管理番号 | 製材-00593 |
ジャンル | 外国 |
ISBNコード | - |
著者名 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行日 | 2018-02-25 |
定価(税抜) | - |
ページ数 | 68 |
- Wood structure of Populus alba formed in a shortened annual cycle system
- Selective assessment of duplex heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy with principal component and kinetic analyses
- Practical techniques for the vibration method with additional mass:bending vibration generated by tapping cross section
- Performance evaluation of multi-storey cross-laminated timber structures under different eathquake hazard levels
- Cyclic behavior of Chinese ancient wooden frame with mortise-tenon joints:friction constitutive model and finite element modelling
- Smart increment borer:a portable device for automated sampling of tree-ring cores
- Relationship between 137Cs concentration and potassium content in stem wood of Japanese cedar(Cryptomeria Japonica)
- Collection to:Acetaldehyde emission from wood induced by the addition of ethanol