Journal of Wood Science 第64巻 第6号

タイトル | Journal of Wood Science 第64巻 第6号 |
管理番号 | 製材-00720 |
ジャンル | 外国 |
ISBNコード | - |
著者名 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行 | 一般社団法人 日本木材学会 |
発行日 | 2018-12-25 |
定価(税抜) | - |
ページ数 | 175 |
- Original Articles
- Property gradients in oil plam trunk(Elaeis guineensis)
- Transvers shrinkage variations within trees stems of Melia azedarach planted in northern Vietnam
- Moisture state variety in popular lumber with moisture content above fibre saturation point during hot-press drying
- Reflection and transmission of vivible light by sugi wood : effects of cellular structure and densification
- Creep and stress relaxation behavior for natural cellulose crystal of wood cell under uniaxial tensile stress in fiber direction
- Effects of preheating tempertures on the formation of sandwich compression and density distribution in the compressed wood
- Relationship between crack propagation and the stress intensity factor in cutting parallel to the grain of hinoki(Chamaecyparis obtusa)
- Application of the vibration method with additional mass to timber guardrail beams Experimental and numerical analyses on nonlinear behaviour of wooden parallel chord trusses composed of self-tapping screws
- Ionic liquids as formaldehyde-free wood adhesives
- Characerization og lignin-derived products from various lignocellulosics as treated by semi-flow hot-compressed water
- Vanillin production from native softwood lignin in the presence of tetrabutylammonium ion Resistance of wood from black pine (Pinus nigra var. austriaca)against weathering
- Profiling of volatile compounds from five interior decoration timbers in Taiwan using TD/GC-MS/FID
- Diffusion of chemicals into archaeological waterlogged hardwoods obtained from the Thang Long Imperial Citadel site,Vietnam
- Secretome analysis of the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium grown on ammonia-treated lignocellulosic biomass from birch wood
- Complete gasification of cellulose in glow-discharge plasma
- Evaluation of uitrasonic-assisted dyeing properties of fast-growing poplar wood treated by reactive dye based on grey system theory analysis
- Note
- Reaction wood anatomy and lignin distribution in Gnetum gnemon branches
- Corrections
- Announcement